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Fragrance and skin Chemistry

Fragrance and skin Chemistry

Smelling good is as important as looking good. Even the best of clothes and makeup cannot mask body odor, which may become a cause of embarrassment. Today, fragrances are available in many different forms such as deodorant, body mist, perfumes, colognes, etc.

 It is the long-term impression that a fragrance gives you that really counts, not what you think of it at first. Everyone’s skin is different and that is why some fragrances last longer on some people’s skin than others.

You have noticed that a particular perfume is smelling good on someone else but not on you or nice at nine and nasty at ten. That’s because everybody has different body chemistry and a natural body Adour. The same fragrance may be expected to smell different on different people.

Every individual has their own unique skin chemistry. In fact, your skin chemistry can even change now and again and the changes are not always apparent. When these changes occur, your fragrance may go from smelling wonderful on you, to not being a very pleasant smell at all. There are a variety of reasons that can contribute to and or cause your skin chemistry to change. Some of them are as follows:

  • Stress: Anxiety will often affect your heart rate, and produce body heat, perspiration which throw a fragrance off the skin faster and result in your fragrance smelling different.
  • Diet: A change in diet can initiate change in makeup of your skin. For example, too much garlic and onion consumption can cause a slight aroma which may not mix well with your fragrance.
  • Age: This is because there are a number of significant hormonal changes for men and women. The first change is the shift from child to teen. Puberty can be a hard time on a teenager’s body and skin.
  • Pregnancy, Menstruation and Menopause: Because these are the events  that can cause a major hormonal upheaval which  can cause fragrances to smell different to you; a scent you liked before may be something you do not like after.
  • Medical reasons: There are also certain medications and even medical conditions that can play a role in how a fragrance will be altered by your body chemistry. For example, individuals with diabetes will have a harder time finding a fragrance that works well for them.

To help you in deciding which fragrances will work the best with your skin chemistry; scents should always be applied to your pulse points. Pulse points are where the blood vessels are closest to the skin surface and therefore give off more warmth. Off and on throughout the day, smell the fragrances you are trying and even apply more on the same pulse point but on a different day for comparison. If the fragrance has a scent that you enjoy each time you test it, you may have just found a new perfume for your collection. It may take some time to work out how your skin chemistry works with fragrances, but it is definitely worth the effort.

Share your skin chemistry with us , we will love to add fragrance to it.

Sarita Sharda
Professional Image Makeover| Wedding Image Makeover Consultant | Image Panorama
Mobile: 9953485680

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